Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Folk taxsonomies, Library Thing, Technorati etc, etc / isloggett /

I have put just a few items initially to my new account, including a witty article on a author I love to hate, Evelyn Waugh (such a snob, such a boor, then, suddenly, such spiritual insight, Lord Marchmain's deathbed in Brideshead etc etc) a couple of favourite architectural specimens in LA and that strange little Grande Guignol horror story by Lovecraft. I guess the big advantage of is that you can have flexible , easily done, in house "catalogueing" (or certainly retrieval) that is available to staff and public and can suit particular needs your library service might have. I did recently retrieve that Lovecraft story for an HSC student who was needing extra text on the "Outsider" theme and they decided to use it, I believe. You could, for example, put the story into as an extra HSC resource, or tag the Capitol Records building as an example of fantasy architecture or 1950's style.

I showed Library Thing to our Bookchat group today, it being one of my days to chair, and they were quite impressed. The entries in my catalogue are all books I bought over the last couple of months for myself, except the Slessor, which was an example that came from one of our Bookchat members, although I do own copies of his poetry, and as a poet I sincerely think he deserves a 5 rating!

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